Samsung’s Brian Wallace goes to Motorola


Motorola has acquired a new marketing specialist. His name is Brian Wallace and he previously served as the vice president of strategic marketing for Samsung in the U.S. market. Looks like Google wants to be as sure as possible that their new smartphone will really be something special [or at least to make sure they market it as something special - Ed].

Wallace will perform work similar to what he did for Samsung at Motorola. To be more precise, he will be the marketing manager for consumer products and campaigns. He worked for Samsung only for a year and has helped in designing the rather successful campaign in which Samsung fought Apple. The advertisement "The next big thing is already here" on YouTube has been viewed over 17 million times. Prior to Samsung, Brian Wallace worked at RIM, and through the years has gained extensive experience in marketing of mobile devices.
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Google's move could mean that they are decisive in returning Motorola to the top of the mobile devices market. Especially after we wrote about the latest rumors, in which Motorola will be working under Google's guidance on the development of advanced devices that will work on Android and are meant to compete with both Samsung and Apple.

[Ed – as we have seen with Apple marketing is everything. Samsung’s new campaign for the S III and Note II has helped them gain more than acceptable commercial success. Apple has used a brilliant marketing team and careful reality distortion to enamor the iPone and other iProducts to the public. However, as we have also seen with Apple, marketing will only get you so far. You have to continue to wow the public. We are betting that Google wants to make a big push in marketing to get their new products in the consumers’ minds so that they can work on delivering the hardware and software that they want. From there we just hope they will be able to maintain, otherwise they will quickly lose any ground they manage to capture…]

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