ARM presents next generation Mali mobie GPUs


ARM has released three new multi-core GPUs that are extremely flexible which ARM hopes will find their way into a wide range of mobile devices next year. New GPUs are the Mali T624, T628 and T678, built on the ARM Midgard graphic architecture. The new Mali GPUs are supposed to be the successors to the Mali 450-MP found in Samsung Galaxy S III, and if we can trust ARM they surpass that generation quite a bit. ARM claims they will offer a performance increase of aproximately 50% over the earlier Midgard generation T604 and T658. The new Mali GPU bring support for a graphics compression codec called ASTC (Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression), which  optimizes GPU performance and increases battery life.

ASTC allows developers to take advantage of texture compression in aplications and to chose one codec for all compressions needs. It is part of the Khronos, group dedicated to creating open standard APIs to enable the authoring and playback of rich media and wide variety of platforms and devices, and ARM hopes it will become the favourite compression codec for developers.
Mali Architecture
Pete Hutton, ARM's general manager for media processing stated: “People expect higher standards of visual computing on their smartphones, tablets and smart-TVs with seamless access to their digital world and personal content, GPU compute enables this as it increases the range of functions mobile devices can perform within the available battery life. ARM continues to focus on system-wide optimization by integrating market leading CPU and GPU technologies to drive both high performance and energy-efficiency”.

The Mali T624 scales from 1-4 cores and Mali T628 from 1-8 cores. The scalability of the core count gives the opportunity to choose how many cores will be in use based on required performance. It is incredibly flexible and suitable for wide range of applications. Mali T628 offers up to ten times better graphic performance than Mali 400-MP GPU that is found in Samsung’s Galaxy S III, and the Mali T678 gives a 50% performance improvement over the first generation Mali T658.

[Ed – It would be nice to know what the performance comparison is to other products from Qualcomm, Imagination etc. However with the 50% improvement we are guessing that the Mali might still be behind the others in terms of raw performance. We will have to wait until they hit the market to be sure though]

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