OS X Mountain Lion killing battery life?

OS X Mountain Lion killing battery life

Shortly after the newest version of Apple's OS X operating system, Mountain Lion, became available Apple's support forum became swarmed with angry users complaining about shorter battery life. The claims came in after they upgraded to Mountain Lion. The latest version of OS X  was released on  July 25th, but it didnt take long before its first flaws came to the surface. Forum thread's about this problem has reached 34,200 views and is around 40 pages long. This would seem to show that the problem is very common. User jpengland96 first reported the issue saying: “I upgraded to mountail Lion and now my battery life is about half of what it was before upgrading. Shouldn't the update improve battery life? Also, what can I do about this?”.

After jpengland96 many users confirmed having the same or a similar problem, some of them had a battery life shortened by only a few minutes, but user mevans336 had battery life drop by up to 75% while standing idle for 30 minutes. So far apple has not released any official fix for this issues despite so many users protesting about the problem.

After a small investigation I discovered that problem happened mostly after clean install, and according to forum posts removing or upgrading Dropbox helped in getting back around 1.5h of battery life, but that didnt work for all users. Although many users still complain about shorter battery life I found a few that had their battery life increased on average 50 minutes per charge. Based on that we can assume that problem is not solely on new OS X, but probably on some incompatible applications or maybe even piece of hardware.

Just to remind you, apple had similar problems when Lion came out, so we hope that Apple will release fix for this problem as soon as possible, otherwise they will have to face many dissapointed customers abandoning their brand.

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