Axl Rose lost his lawsuit against Activision


The Supreme Court in Los Angeles has dismissed the allegations by Axl Rose in a lawsuit against Activision which were first filed in 2010. Rose sued Activision claiming that in the game Guitar Hero 3, they used the song by Guns N' Roses Welcome to the Jungle, while for the promotion of the mentioned  game they used the character of Slash and his former band Velvet Revolver.

Basically, Axl was very angry because I guess they did not put him on the cover so he sought a whopping $20 million for violation of law, which was not received.

Apparently a whole spectacle emerged over what Activision promised to Rose; which was not to use Slash and his legendary hat (we knew that the hat is debatable). So when they violated this “promise” he decided to sue them. However he was not the first and probably not the last artist that decided to sue Activision. Courtney Love, The Romantics, Adam Levine and No Doubt all tried that before him for many different reasons, but they all end up pretty much the same.

[Ed – While we are not a fan of Activision we are also not a fan of Axl Rose who has often let his fame go to his head. We are glad that the law suit was tossed out and it maybe it will send a message to people that are thinking of going to court over what in the end are typically very petty issues. Now if someone can start doing this with the people that are filing all of these patent suits and we will be getting somewhere.]

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