Bad business results for HTC

htcHTC has released the results of operations for February which showed that company is in serious trouble, or will be very soon if they continue this pace of decline. Specifically, its revenues in February were as much as 44% worse compared to the same period last year.

Additionally, the result was 27% lower in comparison with results from January this year. In the last month, HTC has achieved revenues of only $384 million, while in the last period, revenue was $685 million.

HTC now lays all their hopes in new smartphone One. Recently introduced device has 4.7 inch screen with a resolution of 1,920x1,080 pixel resolution and four megapixel camera (or "ultrapixel" as the company says). Even though the device will by some characteristics be better than plastic Galaxy S IV, HTC can expect only a fraction of the sales of Samsung's new smartphone.

In addition to posing problems to HTC, Samsung's domination poses a threat ti all othet smartphones with Android- LG, Sony and Motorola.

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