Bad sales for UHD TVs from LG


If you believe Korean sources, sales of LG’s giant UHD TVs in the home market are not particularly good. On the contrary, in the five months since its launch in Korea, they have managed to sell only 300 units; at least that is what the sources are saying. Right now it looks like people are still waiting for a few more models to come out so they are sure that the product they are buying is without flaws you can encounter in the first series of devices. Many are also waiting for the prices to drop as even the least expensive model is several thousand dollars.

But on the other hand, 300 sold units does not look so bad if we take into account two factors - the high price of the device, and poor availability of Ultra HD footage that customers could watch on their 84 inch TV. Suggested retail price of the device for the Korean market is around $20,000, which is the same amount of money that could afford you a middle-class car, only 70 users decided to pay for UHD TV monthly.

As the future of 3D home systems seems very dark, we can expect them to leave homes soon; Ultra HD TVs with a resolution of 3840x2160 pixels should become a hit on the market (or at least wanted by producers). Apart from LG’s models, UHDTV devices are offered by all other major manufacturers such as Sharp, Sony, Toshiba and Samsung.

[Ed – During CES 2013 we saw more than one UHDTV and although the image was sharp and crisp, it was nothing that impressive. On top of that when we were able to see what happens to SD and standard HD content it was not all that pretty. We have a feeling that UHDTVs will eventually take off, but it will not be until the prices come down dramatically and the sizes also hit a more reasonable range (say 55-inch). We also need to see more 4k content available to owners of UHD devices and that will take some time.]

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