BlackBerry World swarmed by a Hong Kong company applications


BlackBerry company is in financial difficulties. A lot of hope was laid in their new operating system BlackBerry 10, but the expected success was never really achieved. In May, the developers at the conference noted that there is more than 120,000 applications in the BlackBerry World for BlackBerry's youngest operating system on the market, but this potentially positive information turned out to be pretty bad because it was revealed that one third of these applications came from the same developer.

That developer is the company S4BB from Hong Kong, which published a bit less than 47 thousand applications. The BlackBerry store lacks popular and high-quality applications, and they mosly have the various city guides that are nearly identical and various RSS feeds.

Wallpapers, video files and electronic books are a special class of applications. BlackBerry, in all likelihood, will not stop this practice of arrival of inferior quality application, but it seems just the opposite. They provide a financial incentive and compensation to developers who opt for their platform but there is no charges for publishing application.

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