Blizzard getting sued by gamers… is anyone surprised?


Blizzard has found themselves the target of some of their users who decided to press charges as a group against the company. The players accuse the company that it did not properly secure personal information and is now forcing them to buy authenticators to have at least some minimal protection. Such physical authenticators costs $6.50 and with the money users spent to purchase the game, it should be free of charge if you ask me (and probably everyone else).

The initiators of this lawsuit believe that Blizzard uses security issues to get more money from the users. Apparently Blizzard has already earned 26 million U.S. dollars on account of that [At least according to claims from the users involved –Ed]. They also "forgot" to inform users that their site was hacked on 19th May, even though they were required by law to do so.

The lawsuit focuses primarily on the Diablo and StarCraft series, because of which private information of players was compromised and/or stolen back in 2007, if not earlier. It should be noted that the physical device is not the only way to authenticate - Blizzard offers a free application for authentication, which is available for Android, iOS, BlackBerry and Zune. Complaint, of course, referred only to physical devices.

[Ed – We have covered some of the security issues that Blizzard has had over the last few months and have even shown multiple ways that hackers could get into the system. During all of this some of the moderators on Diablo, and forums have continued to blame users for the issue even when there is obvious evidence to the contrary. It is fairly clear that Blizzard has security deficiencies and that they are pushing an extra purchase of the physical authenticator to make some extra money on top. We actually wonder why this suit took so long to happen…]

What do you think of Blizzard’s little problem? Tell us in our Forum

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