BSOD on new iPhone 5S

Looks like we will be hearing a lot more about problems with new iPhone 5S. The newest one is Blue Screen of Death (aka BSOD) which began to appear at a certain number of owners of the latest smartphone from Apple. Problem is exclusive for Apple's most advanced smartphone, and is not appearing on the previous models, atleast not yet.

According to the comments of users affected by this problem, BSOD usually occurs when they are using Apple's iWork office suite applications. Once the blue screen of death appears, device starts automatic restart. One of the ways in which the problem can be bypassed is to turn off syncing with iCloud for apps Pages, Keynote and Numbers, but of course that is not permanen solution.

Apple has not made any statements about this problem yet, nor about a problem with incorrect readings by motion sensors.

[Ed - As we mentioned before Apple's move to 64-bit was not planned very well. The launch and what we are seeing since then have all te signs that the move to 64-bit was botched. Developers have not had the time to adjust to the new OS and memory addressing structure. Becasue of this we are seeing a higher than normal occurance of memory crashes. This was something that we predicted when the news was first leaked that the A7 was going to be 64-bit in the first place. The launch of the new iPhone 5 S and C have not been good to Apple and it highlights something that we have been told and is that Apple is running out of ideas left from Steve Jobs. They are trying to put his vision into practice and not doing such a good job. Apple is not going anywhere though, but we do expect them to lose some of the presence and control of the market they currently have]

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