Rockstar to give $500,000 to all players of GTA Online

We have been covering the issues with GTA Online since they were first reported. Many of these issues appear to have been due to the services not being ready for general availability. Rockstar’s in ability to quickly find a fix ended up creating a rift between them and their customers. Simply put a game development company cannot react to the type of issues that we saw with GTA Online. Fortunately there is something of a happy ending to all of this.


In an attempt to give something back to all of the customers affected by the Rockstar is going to give players $500,000. Ok so that is $500k of in-game money to be given in two $250k deposits. They seem to feel that is the best way to revive the in-game economy. They are even calling the apology money a “stimulus”. In their apology posted to their blog Rockstar does have a little bit more of a formal apology for the issues that everyone faced while they worked to fix all of the bugs in their game.

“In order to keep the current worldwide in-game economy balanced, we will be providing this GTA$ to players via two deposits of $250,000. We will announce specific dates as soon as possible, but are currently hoping to be able to make the first deposit by the end of next week (after we’ve confirmed that issues causing game progress loss have been fixed) with the second installment to happen by the end of the month. For players who experienced cloud server errors, connection issues, and lost game progress and characters in these first days of GTA Online, we hope this GTA$ helps to facilitate a fresh start or makes your continued life in Los Santos and Blaine County extra sweet.”

The first of the deposits should show up next week. You will need to install the GTA V 1.04 update that will be coming out next week and also will have to have had a live and active account during the month of October 2013 (and have played during that time). Technically you could create one now and start playing to get a nice $500,000 boost, but we have a feeling that Rockstar will have covered that base to keep from giving too much out.

Even with this new stimulus package, there are still a few bugs left to be ironed out on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Fortunately it would appear that one of the biggest, lost progress, has been fixed on the PS3 and should be fixed on the Xbox 360 very soon. We can certainly fault Rockstar for the issues that were and still are present in the game, at least they are making amends for it and trying to make things right with the people that play their games.

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