Chinese competition for Google Glass


Chinese search engine is working on a device that is worn like glasses called Baidu Eye, which reminds us of Google Glass. Looks like it was just a matter of time when we will start seeing something similar to Google’s praised product.

According to unnamed sources on which site relies, Baidu is reportedly testing a prototype device called Baidu Eye. The device has an LCD screen, image recognition cotrolled by voice commands, and technology to transmit sound vibrations through the bones of the head, which is a technology similar to that used by Google in their own product Glass. With Baidu Eye users will be able to make phone calls, browse the Internet, and use gestures to photograph and upload made photos. They also said that Baidu collaborates with Qualcomm to provide up to 12 hours of operating time on a single charge of batteries.

The device will also have an open platform intended for developers of applications, which again is similar to Google's Glass. Hopefully this interesting concept will come to life very soon, but what we wait with even more interest is the price of this piece of hardware. If it beats the Google Glass, and it probably will, it might become a decent alternative.

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