Cook on Apple's future and wearable computers


Speaking at a conference D11 of the website AllThingsD, Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, said that the company is definitely not losing its "cool" factor, and rejected suggestions that they are losing the war on the market for mobile operating systems because their number of devices sold was convincingly surpassed by Android .

Specifically, Cook pointed out that the meaning of success for them was never to make the most mobile phones, but the best mobile phone. He also noted that the company sold 13 million Apple TV devoces, of which half during the last year, but when he was asked about new products, such as televisions or wrist watches, he declined to comment on any future products from the company.

However, he noted that the area of "wearable computers" is very interesting and ready for further research. He also noted that many companies struggle in this area, but declined to answer whether Apple will be one of them.

[Ed - Apple is looking to try and change the way werable computing it looked at in the same way they did with the iPod, iPad and iPhone. However we doubt that Cook has the vision needed to improve on the existing devices. We expect to see the iWatch or whatever it will be called to be behind other products even at launch. This will mean they will have to compete with patents which might be hard for them as there are alredy devices out that cover much of what they might claim. It will be interesting to see what they do and how the market reacts to them when they finally release a product.]

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