Creator of Mega Man starts a new game on Kickstarter


Main motive for players to become willing to financially support a project on Kickstarter is to have a good concept, and developer team called comcept USA obviously succeeded in that. Head of the team is Keiji Inafune, the creator of legendary Mega Man.

In fact, his new project Mighty No. 9 in just two days accumulated over $750,000 of the required $900,000, so now we can say that the campaign was a complete success. Mighty No. 9 is a platform action game in Japanese style, which of course reminds of Mega Man, and should appear for the PC in spring of 2015.

The authors say that publishing on other platforms depends solely on donations, but the way things are going, we have no doubt that they will soon publsh an announcement of an expanded publishing plan and added amenities that will fill into the Mighty No. 9 .

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