Dropbox users hit by fraudalent e-mails

The company Appriver warned users of Dropbox service to increase caution, as false messages that ask users to change the password they use when signing up for service appeared once again. Fraudulent email messages are composed so that at first glance they look like they were really sent from Dropbox Team.

The message informs the user that it is necessary to complete change of password to login to the service since the current one has been marked as unsafe. If a less experienced user believes in what is written and click on the first link offered, he will see a warning about outdated version of Internet browser, and that he has to upgrade it in order to change the password.
The following messages offers links to the three most popular browsers, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox. When a user clicks on any link offered, browser will start downloading ieupdate.exe files from the domain dynamooblog.ru which will then install the Trojan from the Zeus family that has been used to steal financial data. If you have received this e-mail message be sure to delete it without further clicking. How the e-mail looks like you can see in the provided pictures.

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