FlexyCore to help Google with advanced apps for KitKat

After Facebook recently acquired a company Onavo whose patents should accelerate and optimize applications for mobile platforms, Google for $16.9 million bought the French company FlexyCore, author of the DroidBooster applications, which improves the speed of execution of Android applications without increasing power consumption.

In other words, Google will use the French company's patents for the arrival of a new generation of advanced applications (games) that will work on the KitKat version of Android, and should be technically and visually much more advanced than those currently on the market. Since advanced graphics in games put a lot of load to graphics chips, which then drain battery even faster, without good optimization it will be very difficult to develop a new generation of games that should bring to the Android what gamers have on PC. Because no one wants to play their favorite game for half an hour, and then embark on quest for the closest wall outlet because the battery is dead.

In any case , we will soon find out if such optimization is possible at all, or will our high-end smart phones and tablets start to come with even bigger and heavier batteries in order to run the most advanced games.

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