eBay just bought Decide


The famous eBay just bought startup company Decide based in the Seattle for an unknown amount. Decide offers users market research services to help them decide what is the best buy option before the purchase.


It is a system that predicts price movements in the market, helps customers identify products that are worth to buy and which are not. It is used to predicts what will happen with the prices in consumer electronics, household goods and other markets. The eBay is hoping that this acquistion will be helpful for their 25 million users to ensure them successful and better decisions in the process of purchasing the product.

Under the contract of buying the whole Decide will be incorporated into eBay. All components Decide, which are service, website and mobile applications will cease to work on September 30. As for the employees, all 26 will continue to operate in Seattle, at the eBay's offices.

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