Electronic trading over 1 trillion dollars


According to information collected by the company eMarketer, electronic trading in the past year exceeded the figure of one trillion U.S. dollars for the first time. There was an increase last year in electronic trading by 21.1%, and this is expected to further increase by 18.3%, and the total amount should grow to $ 1.3 trillion.

They also point out that North America is expected to lose top position this year and that it will be assumed by the Asia Pacific region. Last year, the Asia Pacific region’s share in electronic trading was 30.5%, while North America held a 33.5% stake. This year the Asia Pacific region is expected to increase to 33.4%, while North America will fall to 31.5%.  

Individually, the U.S. will remain the largest market for electronic commerce, while last year's turnover was $343.4 billion. The value of electronic trading in the U.S. is expected to grow to 384.8 billion dollars, while China should take second place with 181.6 billion dollars.

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