Every 5th person in the U.S. is interested in Apple's smart watch


According to analyst firm ChangeWave survey, every fifth respondent would buy the Apple watch. Of course, provided that the device is introduced first. The survey was conducted in March on 1713 people in the U.S.

In the study, 19% of respondents said they would probably buy a watch - 5% would "very likely" buy the device, while 14% said they were "very interested." When asked for the reasons why would they buy Apple's watch, 18% indicated "loyalty to company", 16% were for "convenient device", and 14% say it is the "cool-factor" that attracts them.

Although the results, according to Apple's standards, do not look particularly good, it should be recalled that three years ago, before the introduction of the iPad, only 18% of people said they would buy this tablet. Citigroup analysts believe that iWatch will be name of the device and Apple could generate an additional six billion dollars in annual revenue. Introduction of the device is expected by the end of the year.

[Ed – This type of poll is less than useless and is only intended to get people interested in a new product. Typically companies will reach out to companies to test the waters with polls like this and we do not think that Apple is above this. The interesting thing is that in the Citigroup study there is no mention of existing products like the I'mWatch. This is an intentional ommision that we are also not surprised about simply because polls like this are intentionally manipulative and designed to lead people to the "right“ answers. By the time Apple releaes a product they will be hind the rest of the market by at leat three years and not just in terms of release dates...]

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