Facebook Fan Page Verification scam


Security experts from Hoax-Slayer posted a warning to Facebook Page owners about e-mails that they receive from the "Facebook Security", in which they were informed of the new system for the protection of sites called "Fan Page Verification Program."

According to these e-mails, this new program was initiated because Facebook reportedly has an increased number of stolen pages and now they decided to introduce additional verification that we all must make before May 30th this year, or they will permanently deleted our pages.

You should know that this is actually a typical phishing scam, because with completing the application, your data including fan page URL and password to access your account are submitted to criminals, allowing them to actually do exactly what they told you in email that the verification program will prevent. They will take over your Facebook account and the pages you administer, and than anything can happen.

Criminals may publish your name in spam messages with links to malicious code, delete the contents, post fake pictures and create you so much inconvenience that your online life will be completely destroyed. So be very careful, and be sure to never sign in to Facebook from any links you receive in e-mail messages, since you will probably get robbed of your account that way.

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