HTC satisfied with One sales


HTC is satisfied with the sales results of their flagship smartphone One. Unnamed company's manager for the Wall Street Journal said that so far they have sold about 5 million units HTC One.

Smartphone is in sales for a month now, the same source notes that the demand for One is currently good, and still higher than the HTC is able to deliver. Past problems with the delivery exclusively were related to shortages of components from other manufacturers and have nothing to do with HTC's business moves, says from the company.

One of One's biggest competitors, Samsung Galaxy S4, in less than a month of the availability in the market has sold 10 million copies. What could be the saving grace for HTC One are the rumors that HTC will offer Google edition of the phone, of course since it would be Nexus, it would run probably stock Android, which means no HTC Sense. Since some users prefer Sense while others not, this move could only improve sales for HTC.

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