Facebook interested in WhatsApp


Facebook is negotiating over the purchase of the company behind the  IM application WhatsApp. Details of the agreement are not known so far, but it is known that Facebook sees this mobile technology as the "next big thing". The rise of smartphones certainly was the best possible thing for applications like WhatsApp and Viber due to increasing pularity of mobile internet.

If an agreement is reached, this will mean that Faceook will be accessible on even more mobile platforms. Facebook Messenger, the company's IM application for mobile phones, is currently available for Android, iOS and BlackBerry. WhatsApp list of supported platforms adds S40, Windows Phone and Symbian; additionally, the service is available in over 100 countries worldwide. However this move could be denied by WhatsApp's CEO who is unwilling to sell his big project, so there is a possibility that Facebook could try to develop a copy of their app.

WhatsApp is one of the most widespread mobile IM applications in the world. According to official data released a year ago there was over one billion messages sent per day via the application. According to data from April this year, the number of messages sent per day has risen to 10 billion, obviously this did not go unnoticed.

[Ed – it will be very interesting to see if Facebook can actually acquire this company, as their current app is not all that great (llike the Facebook app on Android). Right now Mobile is where Facebook is lacking the most so if they can get this deal closed it will be a big bonus for them. We just wish they would change their policies on the collection and use of user data, but that is not likley to happen and could end up being what kills the Facebook giant in the end.]

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