Virutal keyboard coming from ThinkGeek


Small projectors that will allow you to project a virtual touch screen, keyboard and mouse on all surfaces, have not yet been built into mobile phones and tablets, but this technology could soon become a standard part of them.The technology was first shown off a few years ago, but at the time there was little to no interest. Simply put we were not attached to our phones and tablets in the same way we are now. It looks like things are about to change...

ThinkGeek company, known for many interesting gadgets like a shirt with instruments and the HAL 9000 extra for the iPhone, last year presented the concept of virtual laser keyboard Cube Laser. However, I must say that I did not believe that they would just be the first to bring this concept to market, given that similar projects were under development from much stronger players like Microsoft, Google and Disney.
But the team worked hard and now we have the Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard keyboard set in their web shop, with the price of $149.99 at the moment, with a 17% discount. The original price is $179.99.

The system consists of a small "cubes" that connect wirelessly to your smart phone, tablet or computer (supports Android 2.0 and newer devices, the iPhone 3GS/4, iPad (iOS4), Blackberry tablet, Windows Phone 7, Windows XP/Vista/7 and Mac OS), and it will then sit on your table or other work surface to project a full-size QWERTY keyboard with 63 keys, on which you can type the same way you type on the real keyboard. The virtual keyboard has a sensitivity of 400 characters per minute, which is more than enough for most users. It can even be used as a substitute for a mouse, you will use it in a similar way as on tablets. The device can be charged via a USB charger, and fully charged can withstand 150 minutes of typing.

Do you think this is the next big peripheral for smartphones and tablets? Tell us what you think in our Forum

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