Facebook is moving Pages to Timeline on March 30th

Facebook_logoWell we knew it was just a matter of time before this happened, but it looks like Facebook was intent on forcing the Timeline view on everyone. We opened up the DecryptedTech page this morning and were greeted with a new message telling us that Facebook was moving to a new page type on March 30th and that we could preview it now.

We were hoping for something very clean and catchy, but ended up with almost exactly the same Timeline look that you see on the personal pages. There is nothing really special or even too clean about this “new” design. Even the admin view they put in at the top of the page does not do much except clutter the information on the page more.
Although there is a lot of talk about the changes with the new timeline style on Facebook no one is actually doing anything about it. The problem is that there are not many good alternatives. Neither Google+ nor MySpace offer the same level of interaction (and believe it or not privacy) so most users feel stuck inside the Facebook monster.

We have published our page to the new Timeline style and have a poll up on both our Facebook page and on our Forum. Let us know what you think about the changes and what you think Facebook should do to make things better.

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