Facebook launches their own advertising service

In line with earlier announcements, on the Facebook's F8 conference in San Francisco, Mark Zuckerberg has unveiled its new advertising service. It is a service called Audience Network, which serves to distribute ads in mobile applications from other manufacturers, all via Facebook.

With this move, the company wants to use its knowledge and technology in the field of mobile advertising and compete in this market outside the framework of their social networks. It's about targeted advertising, in which users are shown relevant ads based on data from their profile, which opens the way for fear of privacy of such data. It remains, therefore, to see how Facebook will manage the data that are used for better positioning of ads, and whether it will indeed be a cause for concern as they give it to the developers of partner applications within the Audience Network.

These data are crucial for the success of this kind of distribution of ads, since they guarantee a better acceptance and increase in the number of user clicks (CTR) than conventional non-targeted company ads.


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