Snapchat receiving IM and videochat

Snapchat is an application for Android and iOS devices that allows users to send messages and recordings with a time duration is soon going to get a new option to send instant messages (IM) and video calls.

Users can chat with other users when they go to the friends list to the right of the main screen applications. After the conversation, when users close the chat screen, all messages and photos from the conversation are automatically deleted, except those that users manually separated for storage. The application will offer the option of live video chat which can use both front and rear camera (it is possible to easily switch from one to the other). The blue icon will appear informing you that a friend has paid attention to the user's profile (different from the typical'' online'' status with other applications).

Once the user clicks the icon it launches the unilateral video chat. A friend can do the same, thereby establishing a video chat on both sides.

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