Finally a developer satisfied with Windows 8? Or are they…


These days the game makers at Rubicon have joined many disgruntled developers that are less than happy with the new Windows. Rubicon is saying they have spent more than $16,000 in porting their games to Windows 8, but then posted sales of only $84. However, that's not the situation with all software developers that have tried the new OS. One example is a company called Extended Results, which in a blog post stated that their business application PUSHBI going great.

"With our PUSHBI for Windows 8, we are doing GREAT with Windows 8! Since the launch of our title, we have had over 2,500 downloads. That is not too bad for an Enterprise business application. And I can share this; we made WAY MORE than $83 bucks on it. Let’s do some math on this. 5 weeks since launch, 7 days a week, 24 hours in a day, 840 hours total, 3 downloads per hour!"

It's not too clear exactly how they earn, since the app is free for all platforms, and it does not appear to have any additional service payment model, but maybe we missed it. Of course, there is the possibility that they get paid for each download by a "third party" or other software company with which the application is running, or it may all be just a pure irony.

Basically, the PUSHBI Windows 8 application displays statistics and business information for companies in a simple interface that connects on different platforms, including Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPivot, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft SQL Server and Analysis Services, as well as Oracle and SAP.

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