Flickr update for iOS brings new features


The company Yahoo has announced a new update of Flickr photo app for iOS devices. With it Flickr becomes something more than just a photo viewer. They added the possibility that was once available in service Instagram. Real time display of image preview with appliqued filter, before the app even performed postprocessing and updated the photo.

Default filters that come with the application have been enhanced. New options for customization such as vignetting, tilt and shift light shift have been added which add a particular style to a photo they are applied to. There are also standard, more familiar options that come with various photo editor such as sharpening, cropping, rotate, auto-enhance, setting the white balance, contrast and levels of each color.

 It is believed that the new options in the ugrade are work of GhostBird which was recently bought by Yahoo. Upgrade is so far only available for iOS devices, while an update for Android is expected soon.

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