Poor sales for the BlackBerry Q10


BlackBerry company has shipped 2.7 million of its new Q10 model smartphone with the new BlackBerry 10 operating system and a physical QWERTY keyboard. The new device was supposed to be a lifeline for the troubled company, but according to the Wall Street Journal, Q10 model totally failed in sales.

Evidence for this claim were obtained from interviews with employees of authorized shops or agents of telecommunications companies. So an employee of one of the sixteen licensed stores of the U.S. mobile operator Verizon says that for this device, there was no demand, and that they have already returned delivered shipments to the manufacturer.

An unnamed high-ranking employee of the BlackBerry claims that the model Q10 was supposed to be a savior, but it failed and simply shut down and died. So far no other stronger evidence of poor sales or statement about it has been release by the company.

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