Former Microsoft Exec Don Mattrick Wanted To Buy Zynga


When Don Mattrick left Microsoft for Zynga many were under the impression that Zynga must have made a pretty nice offer to lure him away from Microsoft. We are pretty sure that this is probably true, but there might be another reason that Mattrick left Microsoft as their Interactive Entertainment Business President. Back in 2010 Don Mattrick tried to get Microsoft to buy Zynga to help bolster what he saw as a big lack in social media games.

We all know that Mattrick has his own ideas about what gamers like and apparently thinks that everyone should think like he does. Mattrick is the Microsoft Executive that told people not to buy an Xbox One if they did not like the always on DRM. So now that Mattrick is with Zynga will we see him bring that same attitude to their business model? If so it could seriously hurt Zynga as their web presence is waning and their have almost no presence in the mobile market.

Some analysts feel that this lack of a mobile presence could be Zynga’s downfall as more and more casual gaming is being done on mobile devices. Not to mention that the majority of people are sort of tired of the constant Facebook game invites and updates. In order to grow Zynga needs to expand and grow with the market and they obviously feel that Don Mattrick with his experience at Microsoft will help them get there.

From Microsoft and Mattrick’s side of the playing field this looks like another Nokia style move. Matrrick is now in a very solid position to get Zynga to develop for Windows Phone 8, Windows RT and of course the Xbox One. They (Microsoft) can “help” out with marketing and perhaps even development assistance in order to get the company on their side. Zynga already has a few games for Android, iOS and even Windows Phone, but we should see this selection grow (for Windows Phone in particular) in the next 6-10 months if our guess is accurate. Of course given the exepctionally small market share that Windows Phone and even RT have this is not likely to do all that much for Zynga’s outlook.

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