Free game for owners of broken Xbox One consoles

A smaller portion of the supplied Xbox One consoles arrived on the market with broken optical drive, about which we wrote a few days ago, and Microsoft shortly afterwards promised that all the broken consoles will be replaced as soon as possible.

To somehow remedy the situation and facilitate the players who are waiting for replacement, Microsoft decided to offer a free game to Xbox One owners that received broken consoles. Players will be able to choose between Dead Rising 3, Forza Motorsport 5, Ryse: Son of Romeo and Zoo Tycoon, and since these will be digital versions users will be able to play the games even with broken optical drive.

Xbox One arrived on store shelves of selected 13 countries earlier this month and in the first 24 hours of distribution achieved twice the sales of its predecessor.

[Ed - Although the effort is a small one it is still good to see Microsoft doing something to compensate people that are getting broken systems right out of the box. Perhaps they learned their lesson from past Xbox failures... or maybe they just want to one-up Sony...]

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