Future of the Relic studios


After selling off THQ, many have rightly wonder what will happen with Relic Entertainment, which was known as THQ Canada under THQ. SEGA was the first one to get a hold of that studio and in a new statement they briefly explained why Relic was interesting for them.

Established in 1997 and acquired by THQ in 2004, Relic is regarded as one of the better teams in the gaming industry. Relic has, in the past, published a series of multimillion dollar franchises like Warhammer 40k Dawn of War, which sold over seven million copies and Company of Heroes, with over four million copies. Because of such strong serials, SEGA did not waste any time thinking who they want under their jurisdiction and with this acquisition of Relic they came into possession of the rights to sequels.

Admittedly, it is not known how this transaction will affect the publishing of Company of Heroes 2, which should be released soon. The report does not make any mention about it, but we hope that SEGA will not linger too much and mess with the work of masters from Relic. The last thing that a game like Company of Heroes 2 needs is a bunch of last minute changes to delay its release.

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