Smartphones to get the Virtual treatment


Smartphones are used every day all over the world by millions, with a large portion of those millions using them both for work and personal use.  The huge increase in the functionality of the telephone combined with the growing complexity of today’s workplace has forced a merger between the two worlds on the average device.  All that could be changing soon.

Two software developers, Red Bend and VMware, are working with phone makers to create dual-identity versions of some of the most popular models.  Using what’s called a hypervisor (awesome word, by the way), your phone could run two distinct operating systems, one for business and one for your personal use.  

Each of the developers involved focuses on two different kinds of hypervisor, either Type 1 or Type 2.  Red Bend is working on Type 1, which is hardware-based and actually creates a second copy of the device’s operating system and runs both in two distinct regions of the processor.  Red Bend already has a partnership with ARM, and should have its technology available on their Cortex-A15 processor in the next year.

VMware is focusing on a software solution called Horizon Mobile, which will be available to U.S. users by the end of 2013, either embedded in phones awaiting activation of offered as a free app to be downloaded by the user.  VMware has agreements with LG, Motorola and Samsung already, and is currently already in use in Japan on its Droid Razr M smartphone.

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