Galaxy note hits 10 million units sold


Samsung's experiment, as they called it before launch because of its huge 5.3 inch display, has celebrated 10 million units sold. Samsung managed to sell 5 million in March and since then sales have been going pretty solid for the Note. One of the biggest concerns about the device was how users will accept its size, since most of smartphones are 4.3-inches and smaller. Although we recently had 4.7 (HTC Titan and Sensation XL), and new Galaxy Nexus is 4.65, 5.3-inches is still quite big and we can consider it a mini tablet instead of solely smartphone.

Before Samsung attempted the Note, Dell tried to place their Streak (5.0-inches) on the market. Unfortunately, it was pretty much a failure. Samsung was successful because it was a showcase of Samsung’s power, and ability to put the best available components into nicely designed case. Based on the market success of the Note, Samsung has stated that they are actively developing its sequel which is expected to be launched in the next couple of months.

The new phone/tablet hybrid will have a flexible AMOLED display, which will be the first of its kind in America. According to rumors it will not be completely bendable, but there is a chance it will be curved in certain way to enhance viewing angle. The display should be made from an Unbreakable Plane (UBP) and as much as 0.4mm thick. The device will be powered by a quad core processor, 2GB RAM, and a display that is just a bit larger at 5.5 inches.

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