Nokia Is Calling Out Samsung As They Head Towards The Windows Phone 8 Launch


It seems that Nokia is taking cues from Microsoft and trying a little trash talk. For those of you that do not know what cue I am talking about here it is one where Microsoft’s president of Windows Phone, Andy Lees talked trash about both the iPhone and Android. He commented that Android simply hits you with “a grid of apps” and that with the iPhone he stated that Siri was not “super useful”. All of this was in a push for Windows Phone 7.x and in the end Lees got a new job inside Microsoft which simply says he is a “president of the Microsoft Corporation”

Although Lees is still working with the Windows Phone division he has taken a step back from the lines allowing others to make foolish comments to the press. Still what we found interesting what that Lees was trying to talk trash about the two mobile operating systems that make up the lion’s share of the mobile market. At the time Windows Phone had an embarrassing 2% of the mobile market. That is not the time to pull that kind of stunt. Still as we have said Microsoft does not get how to market (their track record shows this) and have even gotten Nokia in on the deal. It seems that Nokia, with a single digit market share, is serving notice to Samsung about the launch of their Apollo phones.

Now while we can see this working if Nokia was an actual competitor; when your stock takes a 14% plunge after you agree to be a Microsoft only shop it is not the time to try and talk trash to competitors. Of course Microsoft has paid Nokia a lot of money to market their new phones and the Windows Phone 8 OS in particular. Still we wonder what Nokia and Microsoft’s intent is with the bold warning (outside trying to get press coverage). The launch even is invitation only meaning it will be a group of handpicked journalists that Microsoft and Nokia feel will make sure to report on the launch with favorable articles.

In the end we will have to wait and see what this unusual comment is all about. We can say that at times Microsoft is exceptionally short sighted with the marketing moves it makes. They did not expect the angry response from OEMs over the Surface Tablet and it is likely they did not take the time to consider what will happen when they throw a barb at the leading phone manufacturer in the world (by sales volume). Microsoft and Nokia had better hope that the new Windows Phone 8 Lumias are out of this world if they are not; well we all know what happened to the Kin Phone.

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