Google Reader officially shut down


Google does not like RSS. The reasons can speculate, but one of the most likely ones is that by reading the articles in this way user can avoid commercials. Officially, the company claimed that the reason for shutting down Reader is decreased use of the service. Whatever the reasons lay behind this decision, according to many, the best RSS reader ever found found his spot on the "spring cleaning" list.

Google Reader has been in operation for eight years and the news of the cutting the service was announced four months ago as we reported. The company offers the option of downloading user data via Google Takeout by 15 July, and after that all the data from the Reader will be permanently and irreversibly deleted from Google's servers. On its website, Google offers a link to alternative services Reader.

Of course, Google departure from this type of services was the springboard for competitive services, some of which grew by half a million users in 48 hours since the Readers official shut down.

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