Google strikes back against Rockstar

Google began their defense from Rockstar. They claim that Android does not infringe patents for which they are targeted by patent consortium  Rockstar who is backed by giants like Microsoft and Apple. According to Rockstar, Android violates several patents for which they are claiming the rights, and besides Google in the lawsuit, there are seven of the company's partners, including Samsung and HTC.

Google now claims that Android and smartphones/tablets with this OS does not infringe any of the patents that are the subject of lawsuits and seeks confirmation from the court of these claims. Additionally, they attacked the very purpose of the consortium. According to Google, Rockstar has a team of engineers that seek successful products on the market and the opportunities that could be attributed to their patents, in order to ultimately sell licenses to use the technology.

Rockstar in 2011 bought patents from Nortel for $4.5 billion. Google also participated in the bidding for those patents, but the company gave up, and later bought Motorola Mobility.

[Ed - there is some proof to Google's claims that Rockstar was created just for the purposes of attacking Google. Microsoft, Apple and Sony are all struggling against the massive market share that Google's Android OS has. They all wanted something to use against them that had the strength to push back. However, as HTC found out, simply buying up patent to attack someone does not always work. In this case it could backfire on the Microsoft, Apple and others...]

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