Google wants to slow down the human aging process


Google is known for innovation and continuous expansion of business into new, sometimes unexpected markets. This time they managed once again to surprise the world with their move. The company will invest in the health industry. Calico is the name of the company, which was founded for this purpose, and will focus primarily on the prevention and treatment of diseases that affect the elderly.


The ultimate goal of Calico, according to Larry Page, is to affect on aging and prolong the lifespan of humans. The company will offer a new approach to the treatment and research of the disease, and is willing to invest large sums of money in this mission. Another very interesting thing is the choice of Calico's first man. It will be Arthur D. Levinson, currently chaiirman of Genetech and Apple. His expertise in the field of technology and biotechnology is a winning combination, and he will continue to perform the current functions along with his new job as the CEO of Calico.

Objectives of Calico are certainly long-term ones, so don't expect a crucial discovery in less than 10-20 years, but they intend to present the first results in slowing the aging process in mice in the next 10 years, which would later be transferred to humans. Maybe we can expect projects like colonization of Mars due to overpopulation of Earth caused by the low rate of mortality in the future, but that is yet to be seen of course.

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