Holophone from Amazon?

amazon phone

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Amazon is working on a device that should allow the three-dimensional images to appear on the screen of the smart phone or to hover above the display and can be viewed from all angles like a hologram.

If this information is true, it will not  be the first device of this kind, because the HTC in June 2011 launched a 4.3-inch EVO 3D smart phone that was able to display and take 3D pictures. This display mode is enabled via switch located on the left side of the unit and then it is possible to view photos that were shot in 3D mode even without the use of 3D glasses, because of autostereoscopy effect. The device in addition has two rear 5 MP cameras that enable you to capture images in 3D.

Currently it is not clear whether Amazon will produce an identical screen or something more advanced, but unfortunately they were not willing to comment on this project. All they provided is a video of this „holophone“ so you can judge for yourself what we can expect.

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