HTC says the worst is behind them


For HTC, 2012 is probably a year they will try to forget as soon as possible. Despite the change in strategy for Android devices and increasing investment in Windows Phone, the company recorded mostly negative trends in the business during the last year.

According to HTC's CEO however, the worst is probably over. Peter Chou expects 2013 for the company to be a better year. Among other things, they hope the growth will enable more aggressive marketing. It is inadequate marketing that was responsible for the failure in the past year, says Chou, and this year promotional activities will be doubled. The company has learned to react quickly to market changes, be more flexible, and now they have plans for continuous improvement, said HTC's CEO.

In the third quarter of last year, HTC's earnings were at the lowest level in the past six years, and the company's shares are currently at 20% of the value of the record that was achieved in 2010.

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