HTC's worst ever quarter profit in Q1 2013


HTC finished yet another quarter with very slim profit, which is in fact the weakest in company's history. According to Bloomberg, in the first three months of this year, the Taiwanese manufacturer has achieved earnings in the amount of only $2.8 million, which is nothing if you compare it to Samsungs expected earning for the same quarter of $7.7 billion.

For comparison, in the last quarter of 2012 the company achieved earnings in the amount of $34 million, while in the first quarter last year, earnings totaled $470 million. One of the reasons for such poor results is the delay of the launch of a new Android smartphone, the model One. HTC instead in the planned 80 states in late March offered smartphone in only three states. The reason for delay is apparently a problem with a component supplier whose production capacity were booked by other (higher priority) manufacturers.

he success of the One, analysts say, is crucial for the survival of the company. This unit belongs to the highest class, and for the favor of buyers will be fighting with the Samsung Galaxy S 4.

[Ed - HTC looks like they are in a bad place, but there could be good news from them if their partnetship with Facebook pays off. The problem now for HTC is to get their new HTC One to the market and then start finding new ways to leverlage Facebook, Microsoft and Google into better sales. We suppose time will tell if they are able to do this, or if they will end up getting purchased by someone else becasue they cannot stay afloat.]

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