Huawei becomes 3rd most popular smartphone seller worldwide

According to new research consulting firm Strategy Analytics Chinese, Huawei took third place in the global delivery of smart phones. It can be inferred from the data for the third quarter of this year, and the period from July to October when the Huawei replaced the position with the Korean company LG, which has fallen to fourth place.

According to data obtained from the survey, deliveries have increased by 67% compared to the same quarter last year. With 12.7 million devices shipped in the third quarter of 2013 The Huawei holds 5% of the global market of smartphones. That's primarily due to steady growth in its native China and some minor successes in the U.S. and Europe.

Korean LG recorded a growth of 71% compared to the same period last year, but fell to fourth position with 12 million devices shipped. In fifth place is another Chinese company, Lenovo with 10.8 million unit shipped, which holds 4% of the world market of smartphones. First position still belongs to Samsung with 35% market share and 88.4 million shipped devices. Of course, in second position comes Apple with 33.8 million shipped iPhones.

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