IBM selling servers department

IBM servers

IBM could soon sell its department of x86 architecture servers, says the Wall Street Journal. According to well-informed unofficial sources, IBM is already in negotiations for the sale of this department that genrated generated 4.9 of the total 15.4 billion dollars in revenue from the sale of servers.

Potential buyer is as expected Lenovo, while the value of the transaction, if they agree upon it, could amount to several billion dollars. Lenovo for the stock market in Hong Kong also confirmed that they are in "negotiations with other companies about possible acquisitions," but they did not give any additional details. IBM finished last year in a third place with a 15 percent shares in the world market of "regular" server for business users - the first with HP with 35% while Dell was second with 21.8%.

IBM intends to continue to keep the development and production of servers based on exotic architectures (like PowerPC RISC design), according to the same sources. As already known, the IBM sold to Lenovo back in 2004 the department of personal computers and launched a significant strategy of focusing on specialized software and hardware solutions for the HPC segment, large corporate customers, government and scientific institutions.

[Ed - This is an interesting move on IBM's part if it is true. Their server line up is something they have actually been pretty good at even if the numbers have not been on thier side. With little effort IBM could pick up more than a few points in the market. We do wonder who might be interested in buyng IBM's server derpartment and if it could be one of the oher major players... or perhaps if Lenovo might be looking to extend into the server market...]

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