New features in BlackBerry 10.1


New software development package for BlackBerry 10.1 points to a number of news that are expected in the new version of BlackBerry operating system for mobile devices.

On the site Crackberry they presented 14 new features in BlackBerry 10.1, including support for HDR photography, messaging protocols using PIN within BlackBerry Huba, and improved text selection. There is also the option to turn off notifications for a specific application, use the power button to unlock the screen and directly copy the phone number.

BlackBerry in late January issued their first mobile phone based on the new operating system, BlackBerry 10. According to information published by independent analysts, sales of devices based on BlackBerry 10 is very bad, but the BlackBerry say that they are satisfied with the sale and that 55% of buyers of new devices are former users of competing platforms.

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