Intel shows off their smallest SoC ever; the Quark


Intel started their Intel Developers Forum (IDF), held from 10-12.9. in San Francisco, in a very interesting conference where the CEO Brian Krzanich showed interesting new products.One of them is 14nm Broadwell Intel SoC, which Krzanich demonstrated as a part of an unknown reference notebook on which he did not present any details.

This SoC is primarily intended for low-cost laptops and tablets, which according to some rumors could cost less than $100, but Intel did not want to say any brand names. After they demonstrated SoC designed for tablets and laptops, Krzanich has announced a brand new SoC series called Quark. This is the smallest SoC that the company has ever made, with the processor whose cores are have dimensions amounting to only one fifth of the ones Atom SoC had, and is built on, as they say, "open architecture", which should allow them wider spread of application.

Krzanich said that the new SoC is intended among other things for wearable computers, which means that it could arise in smart watches, glasses and similar gadgets, and Intel President Renee James added that Quark was designed for integrated systems, and will likely be found in medical devices, as well as general "smart" consumer electronics. Unfortunately, Intel about their new SoC's has not unveiled any technical details, so we'll have to wait until we find out some more specifications.

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