Why Knot – a simple invention which prevents your headphones from tangling


How many times have you reached into your pockets to pull out headphones and instead of listenting to favourite music spent the next few minutes untangling the "gordian knot" your headphones decided to make. Mladen Šimić, 27 year old Master of sociology from Croatia decided to put an end to this extremely annoying problem. He created "why knot", a very simple object that will keep your headphones from tangling and, what's even more important, damaging, since you dont have to wrap the cable around anything nor bend the connection spots.


As you can see from pictures, once you insert your 3.5mm jack, and both of headphones into the appropriate holes, they will create a closed loop, and therefore prevent the tangling. "Why knot" is made of extremely dense sponge, which allows it to be very light but at the same time durable and firm. It comes in 6 colors (green, red, blue, yellow, purple and orange), but they plan to increase the number of available colors to more than 12 in near future, hopefully black will be one of them.

They currently have and indiegogo campaing runing, so feel free to check it out and get your own "why knot" for only $5 a piece. The goal of the campain is to reach $8,500, which is a quite modest amount if we compare it to many other campaings on indiegogo and Kickstarter. "Why knot" supports all heaphones brands, you just have to inform their team which one do you have after the order.

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