iPad 5 to arrive in March

tim cook 0115

In March of this year (2012), Apple launched the iPad 3. That was the company's first tablet with a so-called Retina display that brought a much high resolution. Few expected that Apple would go ahead and launch the fourth generation iPad only eight months after the launch of the third generation and then follow with the iPad mini so quickly. The Fifth generation, they say, is just around the corner.

According to sources from the Japanese site Macotakara, which have in the past proven to be a reliable source of information about Apple's plans, the new iPad could be launched as early as March. Unlike the fourth generation that did not bring too much innovation compared to the previous (the “New” iPad), the iPad 5 should represent a larger upgrade. The device should be thinner and lighter, and in relation to the current design, the new iPad should be lower by 4 mm in height, 17 mm in width and 2 mm in depth.

Also, sources say that the next release of the iPad mini will have a high resolution screen, which should be 2,048 x 1,536 pixels, the same as those on the iPad. Will Apple really make a product with decent specs, we will have to see once it's out, but it would be nice to see something worth paying for coming from Cupertino.

[Ed – Right now most of what is being talked about is resolution which is a very small part of what people want in a tablet. The market did not rush out to buy the new iPad and the Fourth Generation iPad in the way that Apple wanted to them to which has put them in a difficult position. Apple is also facing increased competition from others like Samsung who are developing better products that the market is adopting in greater numbers. Apple has to put out a compelling product or they will be looking at a fairly steep decline. They could still pull something out, but we are doubtful of it. We expect to see them push out a slight upgrade to the iPad and hope that the consumers will buy it because of the Apple logo on the back…]

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