People don’t buy Surface not even for Christmas


An analyst from the company R.W. Baird announced that he has had a conversation with representatives of retail chains that are offering tablets, such as Best Buy and Staples. They told him that they will push the iPad for the holidays, and shall recommend it as an alternative to Amazon's Kindle or one of Samsung's Galaxy tabs. The reps also told him that the Google Nexus 10 was also doing fine, but the Microsoft Surface was practically forgotten.

When the analyst asked sellers to give their assessment on Surface sales, they said that this is a relatively new tablet that is selling at a modest rate and that their inventories are full of them. They did not recommend it to anyone, unless the customer had specifically requested information about it.

In the meantime, while awaiting official figures, one twitter user  took the task to analyze the content of messages on twitter called "First tweet from [tablet]," that is first tweet from a particular tablet. The analysis was made of the data collected during the 24 hours of Christmas Eve. His analysis showed that the new iPad was tweeted by 1795 people and from all other tablets the numbers are dramatically less – with the Kindle Fire at 250, the Google Nexus 10 got 100 and Microsoft surface a devastating 36 tweets.

[Ed – it is not surprising to hear that retail stores are pushing the iPad after all they have to hit certain sales quotas for them (at least according to information we have heard from retailers). Android based tablets will sell to the people that are already looking for Android and do not really need that much of a push. On the other hand despite having good hardware, the Surface RT is just too much of a leap for most people. It does not seem to fit into what people want so we are not surprised that it has not picked up with the consumer…]

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