Irrational Games to give Bioshock Infinite Episodes... Hope they have Better Luck Than Valve.

Official cover art for Bioshock Infinite

The franchise Bioshock has often be described as the spiritual successor to the original SystemShock Series. Because of this there was a high expectation to meet simply because of the quality of both the original and the follow on to SystemShock. Fortunately for us the team (some actually worked on the original at Looking Glass Studios) was more than up to the task and we have had three excellent games from this team. Now, we are both excited and a little worried about Bioshock as they are talking about moving to an “episode” model for this great game.


Irrational Games has already announced a DLC module for Bioshock Infinite that will kick off the module refreshes. The new DLC is going to be called Burial at Sea and takes Elizabeth and Booker DeWitt into our favorite underwater utopia, Rapture. Although there is no firm information on the launch date we do have a trailer for you to salivate over.

Looks pretty awesome if you ask me, but I am worried about Irrational Games going down a road that others have tried and failed. Remember that Valve tried this with HalfLife and it was not a success. To make this type of game work with episodes they must meet certain requirements. The games have to bring something new while being long enough to be engaging, but not too long so that they are hard to bring out on a regular schedule. It was this last part that hurt Valve with their try at Episodes. We are looking forward to seeing how Irrational Games does and we hope that they can find the right mix of engaging game and release cycle so that no one ends up losing.

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