$99 HP tablet at WalMart


According to Digitimes, HP in collaboration with U.S. chain store Wallmart intends to issue 7 inch tablet, which should be in stores before the start of the new school year, and will be sold at a price of only $99.

Referring to Asian suppliers, Digitimes says that the new tablet is product from the Chinese company BYD, which already produces 7-inch tablet Slate for the HP, whose price in the U.S. is $139.99. It is therefore believed that the new tablet will be based on the existing Slate 7, but with small redesign to allow $40 lower price.
The HP does not want to comment on rumors, but if they are true, this will not be HP's first tablet to be sold at such a low price. Specifically, HP in the 2011 released their TouchPad tablet based on WebOS,  which shortly after the presentation from the initial $399 slashed price to just $99, after which it was soon sold out.

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