Huge growth of internet advertising


Spending on online advertising in the first quarter of this year has increased by 26.3% from a year earlier, according to the results of the global advertising market Nielsen. They emphasize that the earlier trend continues, so we still have a slight increase in TV advertising, while the number of ads in printed materials is facing a small decline.

But still, the convincingly leading medium in a term of spending for advertising is the television with a share of almost 59%, which is an increase of 3.5%. On the other hand, advertising in the print media continues to fall, and the advertising in magazines fell by 2.8%, while in the newspapers declined by 4.7%. Another old media, radio, also recorded fall in the first quarter of this year, but a very small one, 0.2%.

With the existing trends we can expect further increase in the area of online advertising. However as we can see from charts, there are still some parts of the world where more „primitive“ technologies like radio are in the lead.

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